Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Our Exercise of Choice

So far Daniel and I haven't been the greatest at going to a gym or anything. We have found some fun ways to exercise though.

Jenny's Exercise of Choice:

What I like about the Wii Fit is that it's entertaining and fun. I can choose from all sorts of work-outs: from Yoga, strength training, walking, running, dancing, balance games, sports, and many more. It's an easy way to exercise while Hayley is napping. Plus it has me weigh-in every day and it monitors my progress. It even gets after me if I missed a day of exercise! I LOVE IT!


Daniel's Exercise of Choice:

Daniel has been swimming several times. He will swim laps with our neighbor and he gets a great work-out. He's pretty fast, too - I guess it has something to do with him having been on the swim team in high school! What he likes best about swimming is that it isn't very hard on the body (running can be hard on your knees) so it's a good way to work up his endurance and strength.


Janell R. Cropper said...

swimming is totally one of the best forms of exercise. I probably would go more, if it didn't cost so much to go to the pool here.

Trent Megan and Kids said...

I need a Wii!!