Tuesday, September 30, 2008


So losing weight is soooo much harder than putting it on. And just not as fun. I have had a slow week and am having a hard time being consistent and motivated. Trent has done good and lost 5 lbs!! I think that my biggest problem is finding energy to exercise. I have some great ideas on exercise but having a hard time on follow through. Another thing is that this time Weight Watchers isn't dropping the weight as fast as the first time I was on it. Trent thinks it was because I worked at a fast paced McDonald's so I was always moving (burning cal). So here is my I need some motivation blog. Anyone have any to spare?

1 comment:

Jenny said...

That is exactly what I was getting on here to do, ask for help in motivating me! I worked my tail off for like 10 days and I didn't lose a thing. I know that because of my PCOS it makes it very hard to lose weight, but the last time I really worked at it the pounds just fell off. Grr...I'm very frustrated.

Megan, if only we lived closer then I know we could help motivate each other better! Hang in there, just know that you aren't alone in your struggles!