Thursday, September 25, 2008

For Grandma & Grandpa

Here are some newly edited family pictures as per Colleen's request. I put them on here so she could see them in good quality to decide if she likes them or not. Feel free to put your two cents in. Just remember, I'm still learning how to do this!

(Hint: if you LEFT click on the photo then it should pull it up larger for you. Hopefully it will be in good detail. Once you are done looking at it zoomed in, just hit BACK instead of closing it)

1) Rowley Grandkids: it's not as zoomed in and there is a chair showing next to Kaitlyn. I couldn't find a good face of Hayley or Jay to pop in here. I still think it looks good though.

2) Rowley Grandkids: I cropped out the random chair (I know it doesn't look perfect but I did the best I could). Everything else is the same as the first one except that I zoomed this in a little more.

3) Rowley Family Picture Re-edited. I went back and fixed Tait's and Hannah's faces. I know Hannah's face isn't perfect in this but I did the best I could. She did have a really good smiling one but I couldn't get the photos to align. So after 2.5 hours of trying, I finally settled on this edit of her. I hope it's ok. I couldn't get one of Jacob looking up either, but I think that's understandable.

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