Tuesday, October 7, 2008

So Frustrated

Seriously, how is everyone doing? I've been really frustrated lately. I worked out so much last week - I even biked a total of 20 miles last week! I was pumped! But my weight never changed and now I'm just so unmotivated. How can I get myself motivated? I see my reflection in the mirror and I am not happy with it at all, but apparently that's not enough motivation. I haven't really exercised since last Wednesday (besides teaching dance and playing softball). How can I get my motivation back?

And on top of all that, because of issues with the pharmacy and my doctor's office, I had to go 5 days without my medicine. Having PCOS, it makes it very hard (if not nearly impossible) to lose weight. This medicine is like my only chance of helping my body lose weight. It helps bring down my insulin levels and other hormones. Grrr...so now I have to start back at square one with my medicine and work my way back up to the full dosage. Ghetto Wal-Mart pharmacy!

Maybe I need Dr. Phil to help me again. I need to go dust off his book.

Maybe we need to plan a swimsuit modeling show in front of each other. That might scare me enough to stay motivated! Ha ha ha!

What keeps you guys motivated?


Trent Megan and Kids said...

The fact that you were exercising like crazy is way motivating. Don't feel bad that you aren't changing because I think it's just as important to be fit!! I get motivated also by sitting next to size 2 at work :-)

Jenny said...

Yeah. Sometimes it helps to look at old pictures of me, too. Then I'm like, "I want to be her again!" It's just so much easier to be lazy!